2024 Best in Arizona Pavement Project Awards

We are excited to announce a new pavement award initiative, Best in Arizona1, organized by the Southwest Pavement Technology Consortium and supported by the Arizona Pavement Materials Conference.

Do you have an exceptional asphalt pavement project constructed in 2023 or 2024?  

If so, why not submit it for consideration in the inaugural “Best in Arizona” Pavement Awards Program jointly organized by Southwest Pavement Technology Consortium and Arizona Pavement Materials Conference?

Award categories include:

Local Agency (City)                             Local Agency (County)

Urban Highway                                  Rural Highway

Surface Treatment                             Project Delivery

Commercial Development                 New Development (Residential)

Sustainability                                      Small Contractor Paving

Airport                                                Special Use Pavement

The “Best in Arizona” asphalt pavement awards program is open to all asphalt users, producers, and contractors. Projects nominated for awards can be submitted by the owner/agency and/or the contractor. Nomination forms are available for download on the consortium website and must be submitted by August 16, 2024.

A panel of judges will review, and rate all nominated projects during the months of September and October.

If you have questions, please contact Hasan Ozer at [email protected]

Evaluation Criteria

Overall Appearance

Refers to the uniformity of the materials placed, consistency of appearance, construction quality, texture, workmanship, and the contractor’s attention to detail.

Nominations showing segregated areas due to paving operations, raking or broadcasting mix, etc. will be taken into consideration.

Longitudinal Joints

Evaluated as to how straight they are on tangents and smooth their line is on curves.  They will also be evaluated on how tight they appear and how noticeable they are. In the Urban and Rural Highways, New or Re-construction and the Re-surfacing Categories, joint density incentives achieved results will be used as part of the judging criteria.

Transverse joints

Evaluated as to how tight they appear, smoothness across the joint and how noticeable they appear and will be considered for both Ride Quality and Joint Construction.

Ride Quality

Ride Quality will be evaluated as the smoothness of the joint between lanes.  Bumps, wheel chatter and must grind areas will also be noted. Transverse joints will be evaluated and considered as part of the Ride Quality judging. 

Project Size
The size of a project will be used when considering it for a “Best in Arizona” Asphalt Pavement award. It is important to include quantities in section 5C of the nomination.


Impacts influencing the constructability, phasing and overall process of the project will be considered. Elements to be scored include Night Paving, Traffic Impacts, Number of mobilizations required to complete the project and other on-site considerations.

  1. Inspired by Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association’s great award program celebrating its 30th year. ↩︎